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Typography in Ai

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Lesson 18 of 24

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Typography in Ai

The type tool in Illustrator is easy to use and incredibly useful. Learning all the options that the type panel provides will help you create portfolio pages, custom text illustrations and logos.

In this lesson you'll learn:

  • How to install a purchased font in Adobe Illustrator

  • How to use the Type Tool

  • How to use the Type Panel to change the leading, tracking, size and kerning of a font

  • How to create a paragraph of text by converting a shape to a text box

  • How to create font outlines

Take Action:

  1. Create a text object in Illustrator and familiarize yourself with the Type Tool Panel.

  2. Create a shape (any shape will work!) and fill it with paragraph text.

  3. Create an outline of your text (especially useful if sending a file with custom fonts included).