Madigitified Patterns

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How to get motivated for persistence & consistency?

To remain motivated and show up with consistency is not an art at all. It’s just a mindset to be working on! If you have clear goals with a clear step by step map then to chase them needs our consistent approach. As far as persistence goes, life is not perfect and we should not try to be a perfectionist. Take life as it is so your work! Whatever you are doing ask yourself why am I doing? How am I going to get benefit from it? What change I am going to bring? Is there really a need to do it? Have I chosen my proper niche? Ask yourself, if I get slow down in my growth then what are the factors which affects my work? Why do I easily get demotivated? What factors are in my control to limit it? Are their outside forces eg negative people talk or no moral support? It’s totally okay to accept them because this life isn’t a heaven where every matter will solve on its own. You have to think out smart ways to work. Eradicate those factors from your life which move you towards the non productive approach. To get a clear picture, don’t forget to read ‘Keep Going’ by Austin Kleon. If you can’t buy it then search the key takeaways of how to keep going without getting distracted. The whole world knows, don’t let yourself unfamiliar with and act on it!