The Ark

The Ark collection depicts a famous timeless story with several lessons to learn. The vibrant colors breathe fresh life into the old tale. From the planting of the trees to building an ark, to dark heavy rain, to a majestic flood, and lastly to the hopeful ending of renewed life on earth.

  • Allah SWT ordered Prophet Nuh AS to cut the trees to build an ark.

  • Wild Beings is filled with animals in pairs from birds to huge wild beings.

  • Allah swt sent the rain for a flood to happen. The starting droplets has been shown in this pattern.

  • The Ark was ready to sail in the flood to save Nuh AS and hid good companions with animals.

  • After the darkest flood passed by, the shiny rainbow has stored some good news for the survivors.

  • Nuh As sent a dove to check where she can find life nearby.

  • As a result, the dove returned with an olive leaf in its beak which was a clear hope.

  • The sign of life restored on earth to begin the life again.